Tuesday, December 3, 2019

EVS --Types of plants - Practice sheet

EVS --Types of plants
Practice sheet

*Answer in short:
1.Why do branches of the plants growing on mountains slant downwards?
2.What are the main features of plants growing in hot desert?
3. How does plants of hot desert prevent water loss?

*Answer  the following questions:
1 Name some important desert plants.
2. What are Mangroves?
3. Write name of crops and trees which grow in Indo-Gangetic plains?
4. Name some trees found in Sunderbans?
5. Which important products we get from the rain forest?
6. Which state has a large area of the Gangetic plains?
7.State the features of the leaves that protects them  from extreme
8. Differences between plants of the hot desert and the plants
of the plains?
10. What is the function of buttress roots?
11. Why do cactus not have leaves?
12.Unscramble the letters to find the names of the plants of the plains--
 talmasa, als, elb, ejaren, mene, leaepp, hihsmas, aalps, oangm
13. Why do carnivorous plants eat insects?
*Fill in the blanks:
1.Plants growing in hot deserts can store water in their fleshy ______.
2. A _________ is a place which receives maximum rainfall.
3.A _____ like coating is found on the leaves of plants growing in cold
4. The pitcher plant is a ____________plant. 
*Write true or false
1.Khejri is a plant growing in areas with heavy rainfall.
2. The pitcher plant is a carnivorous plant.
3 The pine tree has needle shaped leaves.
4. The plant areca nut is grown in hilly regions.
5. Sunlight is available in plenty in areas with heavy rainfall.

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