Friday, January 24, 2020

EVS---- Plants make food (Practice Sheet)

Plants make food (Practice Sheet)
Q1. State true or false :
     1.  Roots are considered as the food factory of the plants.
     2.The minute openings on the surface of leaves called stomata allows  the exchange of gases.  
     3.  The process of making food can be carried on by the plants during the day as well as  the night. 
     4. We can see Stomata in leaves with our naked eyes.
     5. The name of the food prepared by the plants is glucose. 

  Q2. Answer the following questions:
    1  Write  some uses of plants.
    2. What do all living things need food to survive?
    3. What do animals eat?
    4. What do plants eat?
    5. What is the source of light energy for the plants?
    6. Why are plants called producers?
    7.  How does carbon dioxide enter the leaves?
    8. What does the plant do with the unutilised food?
    9.  What are the things required for the process of photosynthesis.
   10. Which gas is inhaled by plants at night?

EVS-- Plants make food (NOTES)

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Answer key-Symphonics work book -'ti', 'ci', 'si'

 ‘ti’ or ‘ci’ or ‘si’

Pg    22 - 25
a.    magician
b.    electrician
c.    Egyptian
d.    Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
e.    Ambition, musician, beautician
a.    Martians
b.    investigation
c.    portions
d.    mansion
e.    special
f.     impression
a.    8.
b.    4.
c.    9.
d.    6.
e.    1.
f.     2.
g.    10.
h.    5.
i.      3.
j.      7.
Conduct the exercise as instructed in the Lesson Plan
1.    information
2.    Make a sentence to show the meaning of ‘permission’
‘ti’/’si’/’ci’ words
Base word

4.    a. ancient    b. population     c. selection      d. beneficial     e. crucial

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

English-- The Wisdom of King Solomon (NOTES)

The Wisdom of King Solomon
Q1. Answer the following Questions
1. Why was King Solomon troubled after David’s death?
Ans. King Solomon knew how loved and respected David was. He wondered whether he would prove a worthy successor to his father. He was filled with doubts as to whether he would be able to rule Israel wisely.
2. Why was God pleased with Solomon?
Ans. The Lord was pleased with Solomon because he had asked for a compassionate heart, patience and understanding to know the difference between good and evil. Solomon asking for these virtues over riches showed that he was more concerned about his people’s welfare rather than  his own well-being.
3. Why did the two women come to Solomon’s court?
Ans. The two women came to King Solomon’s court with a baby. Each of them was claiming herself as the baby’s mother. They had come to the king for justice. 
4. What judgement did King Solomon deliver?
Ans. Solomon ordered the child to be cut and divided equally between the women. The angry woman was happy with the judgement while the sorrowful woman begged the king to let the other woman keep the child rather than cut it. King Solomon then ordered the baby to be given to the weeping woman. He knew that no mother would ever let her child be harmed. She would rather give it away than see it hurt. Thus the real mother of the baby got her child back.
5. How did God reward Solomon on hearing his answer? (HW)
Ans. The God rewarded  wisdom, a wise and understanding heart, and riches and glory which no king could equal.

·      Arrange the following words in alphabetical order: (HW)
Bless, shed, glory, bestow, father
·      Make sentences from the following words (both as a noun and as a verb) (CW)
·      watch (noun):
·      watch (verb):
·      handle (noun):
·      handle (verb):
·      flash (noun):
·      flash (verb):
Write any two words that can be used as a noun as well as a
verb (excluding the ones given above)(HW)

Monday, January 20, 2020

Symphonics....ti ci si words- Note book work

ti ci si words

ti words
populate- population

ci words


si words

wisdom of King Solomon (practice sheet)

                                            The Wisdom of King Solomon
                                                      Practice Sheet

Q1. Answer the following questions:
1.    What troubled young Solomon?
2.    Describe each of the women who came to King Solomon’s court.
3.    Did King Solomon intend to harm the baby?
4.    Why did King Solomon give the baby to the weeping woman?
Q2. Make Sentences from the following words:
a.     Nervous
b.    Wisdom
c.     Infant
d.    rejoice

Camels's Hump Practice sheet

                              Camel’s Hump- Practice sheet
Write the rhyming words of the following:
hump –
● you -
● yet -
● too –
● bed –
● snarly -
● scowl - 
● fire -
● be –
● ill -
● sun -
● too-oo-oo –
Make sentences with the following words:
1.                Snarly
2.                Scowl
3.                Perspire
4.                Shovel
5.                Frowst
Answer the questions:
1.                Besides the camel who else can get a hump?
2.                . What does the Djinn of the garden do?
3.                 . What message does the poet convey?

Camel's Hump notes

Q-1. Word galaxy:

1.             Cameelious hump- storage of fat due to no hard work.
2.             Snarly – to speak angrily or threateningly.
3.             Lump - a swelling under the skin, especially one caused by injury or disease.
4.             Scowl - angry or bad-tempered expression.
5.             Grunt - A low, short guttural sound .
Q-2. Fill in the blanks:
1. The camel was lazy so he developed a hump.
2. The djinn is a magical creature.
3. We should work in the garden with a hoe and a shovel.
4. We should work till we gently perspire.
5. We should frowst after we have completed our work.

Q-3.  Answer the following questions:

1.             What are the symptoms of a cameelious hump?
Ans. A person who is inactive, lazy and sits in one place is sure to get a hunched back. So these can be said the symptoms of a cameelious hump.

2.             Who helps us in curing the cameelious hump?
Ans. If all of us keep aside the laziness and inactiveness then the sun, the wind and the djinn all will help us in curing the cameelious hump.

3.             Why has the poet given the poem the title “The Camel’s Hump”?
Ans. The poem tells us about how the camel was punished by the djinn for not doing his share of work, so he was given a hump. Hence the poet has given the title “The Camel’s Hump”.
4. When do people get a hump?
Ans. When they do not work at all.
5. Besides the camel who else can get a hump?
Ans. Besides the camel, the grown-ups and kids who don’t work hard also get the hump.
6. What does the Djinn of the garden do?
Ans. The Djinn helps to remove the hump .
7 . What message does the poet convey?
Ans. The poet conveys the message that one should always work hard and not be lazy.

Friday, January 17, 2020

हमारे देश की फ़सलें Practice Sheet

Practice Sheet  

Subject –हिंदी  ( अक्षर दीपिका )            Topic – हमारे देश की फ़सलें 

Grade – IV   Div: ______    Roll No : _______ Date : ___________               

Ø   सही विकल्प चुनकर नीचे दिए गए रिक्‍त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए -:

.उड़ीसा, बंगाल एवं दक्षिण भारत में चावल अधिक पसंद किया  
  जाता  है , क्योंकि वहाँ......    
क)      धानकी कमी है        ) धान की अधिक पैदावार है   
)गेहूँ की अधिकता है      ) गेहूँ पसंद नहीं किया जाता

. धान का छिलका हटाने पर ........ निकलता है ।
     ) आटा                  ) बेसन
     ) मैदा                   ) चावल

. गेहूँ को पीसकर ........ बनाया जाता है ।
     ) पोहा                   ) आटा
     ) रोटी                   ) पूरी

. धान को ........ कर चावल बनता है ।
     ) कूट                     ) छान
     ) पीस                    ) निकाल

. खेती-बाड़ी का काम ......... कहलाता है ।
     ) बागवानी                  ) कृषि
     ) कृषक                     ) किसान

. सर्दी की फ़सल है
     ) मूँग                      ) सरसों
     ) जूट                       ) कपास

 . उष्‍ण कटिबंधीय फ़सलों को .......... की फ़सल कहते हैं ।
     ) रबी                       ) ख़रीफ़
     ) जायद                     अंतराल

 . भारत में आज भी किसान ........ विधि से खेती करता है ।
     ) आधुनिक                   ) नवीन
     ) पुरानी                      ) नई

 . हमारे देश में तीन मौसम और ....... ऋतुएँ हैं ।
     ) पाँच                        ) :
     ) तीन                        ) चार

 १०. तरबूज-खरबूजा ........ मौसम में उगाए जाते हैं ।
     ) गर्मी                        ) सर्दी
     ) बरसात                    ) सभी