Tuesday, December 3, 2019

EVS --Types of plants - Practice sheet

EVS --Types of plants
Practice sheet

*Answer in short:
1.Why do branches of the plants growing on mountains slant downwards?
2.What are the main features of plants growing in hot desert?
3. How does plants of hot desert prevent water loss?

*Answer  the following questions:
1 Name some important desert plants.
2. What are Mangroves?
3. Write name of crops and trees which grow in Indo-Gangetic plains?
4. Name some trees found in Sunderbans?
5. Which important products we get from the rain forest?
6. Which state has a large area of the Gangetic plains?
7.State the features of the leaves that protects them  from extreme
8. Differences between plants of the hot desert and the plants
of the plains?
10. What is the function of buttress roots?
11. Why do cactus not have leaves?
12.Unscramble the letters to find the names of the plants of the plains--
 talmasa, als, elb, ejaren, mene, leaepp, hihsmas, aalps, oangm
13. Why do carnivorous plants eat insects?
*Fill in the blanks:
1.Plants growing in hot deserts can store water in their fleshy ______.
2. A _________ is a place which receives maximum rainfall.
3.A _____ like coating is found on the leaves of plants growing in cold
4. The pitcher plant is a ____________plant. 
*Write true or false
1.Khejri is a plant growing in areas with heavy rainfall.
2. The pitcher plant is a carnivorous plant.
3 The pine tree has needle shaped leaves.
4. The plant areca nut is grown in hilly regions.
5. Sunlight is available in plenty in areas with heavy rainfall.

EVS- Types of Plants - Notes

       1. Diversity                                                          
 2. Anjeer
 4. peepal
 5.Cactus                                                                     6. Khair
 7. Khejri
    8.Date palm
 9. Konkan
 10. Indo-Gangetic
 11. Palas
    12. amaltas
    13. Andaman- Nicobar
    15.buttress roots
    18. Drosera
    19. areca nut
    20. pandanus
    21. mosses

Q1. What is the function of buttress roots?
 Ans. The buttress roots help the trees to stand as the main roots do not grow very deep into the soil.

Q2. What is common in all the different types of insectivorous plants?
Ans. Insectivorous plants have modified leaves to trap the insects.

Q3. Why are roots of plants growing in rocky shores tough?
Ans. The roots of plants growing in rocky shores are tough because they have to make their way through the rocks.

 Q4. What features of the leaves protect them from extreme cold?
Ans. Features such as being pointed or needle shaped with wax-like coating on them, protects them from the extreme cold.
Q5. State the features of Different types of plants with examples.
1.Plants of the hot desert
* Long spreading roots under the ground to search  water, fleshy stems and smaller number of leaves or no leaves
*Without leaves less water evaporates from its body
*The cactus is able to store water in its stem which can be used
*e.g Cactus, date palm, keekar and khejri

2.Plants of the plains
* Wide spreading branches, several leaves and thick trunks as soil is very fertile.
*e.g:Rice, wheat, maize, Sal, palas, amaltas, bel, anjeer, neem, peepal, shisham and mango
3.Plants of the Areas with heavy rainfall (RAINFORESTS)
*Thin bark
*Leaves of many plants have a drip tip.
*Buttress roots
*e.g. Pitcher plant and Drosera

4.Plants of the Coastal region
*Thick and shining leaves
*Roots grow near the surface of the soil.
*e.g Coconut, areca nut and pandanus

5.Plants of the cold regions
*Seeds are enclosed in cones
* Leaves are Needle shaped and show a wax- like coating on them to prevent any damage from snow.
*e.g. Pine, almond , deodar and fir

Q6. Write in short about:
* A mangrove is a shrub or small tree that grows in coastal saline water.
*They have special root system to cope with salt water and wave action of sea water called breathing roots.
*In mangrove trees the roots grow upwards.
*Breathing roots enable them to breath by absorbing air during high tide.
*Examples- Sundari.

Plants that feed on insects.
Leaves are modified to trap insects.
Examples - Pitcher plant, Venus Flytrap

'Epiphytes' are flowering plants which grow on tree trunks and branches to get light. They get food from the air and water, and their roots hang in the air, eg orchids.
Q7. Give Reason:
1. Leaves of cactus are modified into thorns.
Ans. Cactus has to survive in very dry and hot environment. Leaves of cactus are modified into thorns or spines as it reduces the surface area so less water is lost and it also protects cactus from animals.

2. Growth in the coastal areas is a challenge for the plants.
Ans- The challenges of coastal area are excess salty water and the windy weather which pose a threat to the survival of the plants.

3. The bark of the trees in the rainforests becomes smooth.
Ans- Heavy rainfall in the rainforests enables continuous movement of water on the surface of the trunk making the bark smooth.

4. Branches of the plants growing on mountains are cone shaped.
Ans. Snow accumulates on branches and leaves or needles when there is high snowfall.
The conical shape of conifer trees (on mountain) prevents accumulation of snow on it.
The conical shape also helps to get the snow to fall off the tree quickly and to get the sunlight.
Also the wax coating on the leaves protect them from extreme cold conditions
Examples: pine, almond, deodar, fir, mosses and fern.

5.The thick stem and long roots of cactus help it to survive in desert.
Ans. Thick stem of cactus stores water and waxy coat on it stops the water from evaporating. It has very long roots spread to large areas underground to collect water.

6. Plants growing in areas with heavy rainfall have a thin bark and drip tip leaves.
Ans. Rainforest trees dont need thick bark to prevent moisture like those in temperate deciduous forests there is always plenty of rain and thus moisture available. Plants also grow thick leaves with  drip tips  and waxy surfaces to allow water to drain quickly to prevent rotting.

Q8. A)Identify the plant- (Paste the picture) 
Ans. Cactus

B) State one feature that helps it to survive in harsh desert environment.-
Ans. Most of the leaves of the cactus plant are modified into spines or thorns to reduce the loss of water and enable them to survive in hot deserts.

Q9. Identify the plant- (Paste the picture)
Ans. Money plant

 State one adaptive feature of this plant.-
Ans.  It is a climber. They have weak stem. A limited amount of sunlight reaches the soil surface. Many climbers are found growing on trees to reach to the sunlight.

 Q10. On the map of India.
Using the colour code, mark the places/states mentioned in Mir’s journey across India to observe different types of plants. 
Also give any two examples of plants found in the marked regions.
(Note: Use crayons or colour pencils , Mark any one state/place on the map for each region) 

1.Desert region: (Rajasthan)
Examples Cactus, date palm, keekar and khejri
2.Plains: (Uttar Pradesh.)
Examples Sal, palas, amaltas

3. Rainforest: (Kerela)
Examples Pitcher plant and Drosera

4.Coastal region(Goa)
Examples Coconut, areca nut

Cold regions: ( Kashmir) 
Examples Pine, almond , deodar and fir

Q11. State one characteristic feature of each plant that helps it to adapt to the region where it is found. 
1.Mango tree.
Characteristics: Mango leaves have thick outer covering to prevent water and nutrient loss.
Characteristics:- The leaves modified into thorns/spines in order to reduce water loss as it has to survive in hot desert.

Characteristics: The coconuts external husk protects the internal seed from predators and the salt of the ocean.

Characteristics: The seeds are protected by a cone which is a woody outer covering .
(Because  pine trees produce cones, they are included in a group of trees called conifers.)

Hindi Revision Question Bank

English cy Test 3 revision

Monday, November 25, 2019

Hindi practice sheet - 3

Practice Sheet – विशेषण

Practice Sheet –

Subject – हिंदी                                                        Topic - ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ विशेषण
Grade – IV    Div : ______       Roll No : _______      Date : ___________

विशेषण   विशेष्य को छांटकर लिखिए :-

                                                      विशेषण                      विशेष्य
१.  फल मीठे है ।

२.  वह घर दूर है ।

३.  सीता ने लाला पेन खरीदा ।

४.  यह पीली कमीज है ।

५.  वह मोटा लड़का है ।

६.  मीरा सुन्दर  लड़की है।

७.  मेरे पास  नीली कार है ।

८.  यह घना जंगल है ।

९. आम का पेड़ हरा-भरा है ।

१०. वह झूला ऊँचा है ।

११. खरगोश के कान बड़े है।

१२. कछुआ भूरे रंग का है।

१३  कोयल मधुर आवाज़ में बोलती है ।

१४ राम गरम चाय पीता है ।

१५  कुल्फी ठंड़ी होती है।

दिए गए शब्दों के लिए विशेषण शब्द लिखिए :-

१. संतरा -

२. औरत -

३. घर-

४. फूल -

५. बालक-